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Monaco Gold Casino

In the interest of fair gaming you must wager at least (12) twelve times your bonus and deposit before making any cash outs for $ and €.

In the interest of fair gaming you must wager at least (18) eighteen times your bonus and deposit before making any cash outs for £. If you withdraw before having reached the minimum wagering requirements, your bonus and winnings will be void

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Bets placed in the games of Blackjack (all sorts of Blackjack), Roulette (all sorts of Roulette), Baccarat (all sorts of Baccarat), Craps or SicBo (all sorts of SicBo), do not fulfill players obligations with regards to the minimum wagering requirements.

E' un playtech ... videopoker? :wnk:

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Ospite davescamp

Il BJ non conta, il Videopoker sì.

Bets placed in the games of Blackjack (all sorts of Blackjack), Roulette (all sorts of Roulette), Baccarat (all sorts of Baccarat), Craps or SicBo (all sorts of SicBo), do not fulfill players obligations with regards to the minimum wagering requirements.
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Ospite davescamp

Dopo il BJ i Videopoker sono il gioco col minor margine di vantaggio del casino, a qualunque software sono consigliati!

In più se vedi nei momenti magici non scarseggiano affatto le Royal Flush fatte ai playtech! :inkaz:

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Dopo il BJ i Videopoker sono il gioco col minor margine di vantaggio del casino, a qualunque software sono consigliati!

In più se vedi nei momenti magici non scarseggiano affatto le Royal Flush fatte ai playtech! :inkaz:

si però il 90% sono sempre della stessa persona :drill:

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