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Nuovo Cash Back Solo X Oggi!

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Il city si ripete: mi è arrivata l'email di una nuova promozione 100 Cash Back Birthday Handout.

E' riservata a chi è arrivata l'email e vale solo per chi deposita oggi. Le condizione sono queste:

This promotion is only open to Real Money players from City Club Casino who have received this promotion via e-mail with their username in the subject line.

This promotion is open to players who will deposit on City Club's Birthday (December 4th, 2006) and who have previously made at least 1 (one) initial deposit in the casino.

The bonus money will be given on the day following the promotion period. Player may receive a maximum of $100.

[u]Please note that in the interest of fair gaming, players are required to wager a minimum of 20 (twenty) times their bonus before cashing out any amount of the bonus or bonus winnings. [/u] This Birthday Handout promotion bonus is not valid with any other bonus or promotion.

City Club Casino reserves the right to exclude any players from this promotion.

City Club Casino will not be obligated to explain such refusal, or be liable for its decision.

Suspicious cashins will be audited before being processed.

We will remove prize credits from the accounts of any member who fails to comply with any of the above conditions.

Management reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of this offer at any point.

Management's decision is final.

Those conditions are in additional to the regular terms and conditions that you can find here.

Io l'ho segnalata(magari qualcuno ha cancellato l'email per sbaglio)...non so se la farò...aspetto commenti!

Modificato: da tomato
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Il punto è che a differenza della prima volta non ti restituiscono contante ma un bonus da giocare 20 volte.

I giochi consentiti saranno chiariti dopo, quando ti accrediteranno il bonus.

A me il city club è simpatico, lo trovo corretto e puntuale nei pagamenti.

Ma non so se giocherò.


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in chat il tizio mi dice.......se hai depositato con visa puoi solo chiedere assegno,lo mando dolcemente affan***o e prelevo con NETeller(avevo gia depositato)......risultato.....mi mandano 100 su NETeller e 100 su visa......perfetto............l'assistenze tecniche non valgono niente......

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