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Pagamento Con Paypal A Rio ?

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Data: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 03:34:51 -0500

Da: [email protected] Aggiungi alla RubricaAggiungi alla Rubrica

A: greysxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Oggetto: Pay Pal transfers for players

Hello Rio Players,

We are glad to inform you that we have another way to fund your player account. If you have a Pay Pal account and send funds to us at [email protected] we will in turn "comp" your player account dollar for dollar in the amount you send us. The difference in comped money is that you will not be eligible for such things like the normal 20% reload bonus or the initial deposit bonus. However, if you send 25.00 or 1000.00 or more, your player account will be credited the full amount with no fees to you. Please be patient as this type of payment is not instant, it could take up to 12 hours to complete but most times it will be done within an hour or so.

We are glad that all of our valued players have shown us so much support in the reconstruction of our poker room. We think it was necessary to give you a room with 1000s of tables and many thousands of players, this however is not an overnight process due to multiple factors. The estimated time frame for completion of the new poker rooms opening is still about the first of the new year. There will be many bonus's avail for the grand opening.

Thanks again for being a big part of the Rio's success.

Best wishes from Taylor and the entire staff at the Rio!

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