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esperienza irritante

usufruisco di un bonus del 600% e dopo un lungo pt riesco a chiudere con 421$ nel balance,ma la vincita è solo di 175$ in quanto il bonus non è incassabile; metto all'incasso tutto pensando che il bonus mi verrà detratto in automatico ma il prelievo viene declinato, riprovo e prelevo soltanto i 175$ di vincita reale,altro rifiuto..di nuovo tutto nel balance,

da premettere che dopo il primo rifiuto avevo chiesto in chat la conferma di dover lasciare il bonus nel balance e di procedere con il prelievo della solo vincita;

ritorno in chat,nessuna spiegazione,mi invitano a scrivere un' e mail al dipartimento payouts,il manager non c'è fino a lunedì e allora mi incaxxo

Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with 'Sam'

Sam: Hello

ro: Hi Sam

ro: my Withdrawal was again declined, may I ask why?

Sam: stand by for a moment please

ro: ok

ro: In a few hours ago "Al" I was told to leave the $ 246 bonus in balance and to make only Withdrawal of my winnings of $ 175 but even so my Withdrawal is rejected, but as I do, can you tell please ?

Sam: just a moment please

ro: I tried twice Withdrawal ... I first picked up $ 421 and was declined .. the second time I made a Withdrawal of $ 175 and left in the balance but the bonus was declined .. tell me how do I withdraw my winnings?

ro: sorry...and left the bonus in the balance but was declined

ro: Sam are you still here?

Sam: just a moment longer please

Sam: thank you for your patience

ro: ok

Sam: sorry about that

Sam: you have now my attention

ro: I would like to resolve this problem please

Sam: in this case in particular, please send an e mail to [email protected]

Sam: they will send you an answer by Monday

Sam: I'm sure there is a good reason and you will be paid accordingly

Sam: the manager is not available at the moment

ro: You've read the whole situation, I know how much you can put money

ro: is very annoying what is happening and the fact that you do not know what to advise as well write an 'e-mail

Sam: I just checked your account

Sam: for what I can see, that transaction was cancelled by you

Sam: just go ahead and request your payout again

ro: My question is simple ... I make a deposit of $ 41 .. get a bonus of $ 246 ... I do not cashable playthrough all that is need Startup and finish the game with $ 421 in balance ... so I ask : how can I put in Withdrawal?

ro: is simple...

Sam: go to the cashier and request your payout

Sam: are you having any inconveniences with that?

Sam: you can request a money bookers or NETeller payout

ro: Since the $ 246 bonus is not cashable then I put in my Withdrawal only real win $ 175

ro: my request is with NETeller

ro: Ok Sam, I understand you do not know how to help

ro: will send an 'e-mail to ... @ payouts and Casinomeister, for information

ro: bye bye

Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat.

Sam: sorry about that

Sam: been really busy

Sam: let me check your account please

Sam: you are in deed entitled to receive a payout for $175

Sam: all you need to do is go to the cashier and request a NETeller payout for that amount and you will receive it shortly

Sam: I can see you cancelled the transaction again

Sam: may I ask the reason why?

ro: tried twice Withdrawal ... I first picked up $ 421 and was declined .. the second time I made a Withdrawal of $ 175 and left the bonus in the balance was declined ..

Sam: let me take a look at that

ro: I never deleted my Withdrawal, you simply was declined for the second time and you can see

Sam: not really

Sam: there is no reason why your payout should be rejected

ro: not really??

ro: and then what would be the reason?

Sam: your account has been adjusted to the $175 you are entitled to receive, please go to the cashier and request it again

Sam: we have not rejected your cash out

Sam: the system shows you did

ro: 6/26/2010 12:27:58 PM DF-NETeller Withdrawal Declined $175.00 6/26/2010 3:21:38 AM DF-NETeller Withdrawal Requested ($175.00) 1

Sam: please do it again

Sam: please try again

ro: /26/2010 3:21:38 AM DF-NETeller Withdrawal Requested ($175.00) 1

Sam: and let me know if you get an error message

Sam: I have checked the system

ro: 6/26/2010 12:27:58 PM DF-NETeller Withdrawal Declined $175.00

Sam: do it again please

ro: ok ??????

ro: you see

ro: and the balance is again $ 421

Sam: please

Sam: please

Sam: go ahead and request your payout again

Sam: you may need to log off and then log back on before you do that

Sam: your balance has been adjusted to $175

ro: ok,log off,one moment...

ro: I did it again the Withdrawal of $ 175, now how long I'll have to wait to receive my winnings?

Sam: the time frame for processing is 7 business days

Sam: but you may receive your money sooner than that

ro: if you can do something faster I would be grateful ... I lost a day to your fault, not mine ...

Sam: we'll do our best

Sam: is there anything else you need?

ro: and I also take $ 15 to make the transaction with NETeller, so you should be much faster ...

ro: no thanks

ro: bye bye

Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat.

Sam: your payout will be free of charge

se non avessi minacciato di scrivere a Casinomeister non avrebbe fatto nulla,da sottolineare infine che per il prelievo con NETeller si fregano 15$ di commissioni (anche se nell'ultima frase dice che non saranno detratti) insomma prima e ultima volta, anche se mi dovessero pagare tra un'ora.


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LOL accidenti che impaziente sei! C'è gente che ha migliaia di dollari in attesa e li fanno aspettare anche 2-3 settimane (sembra che ultimamente abbiano alcuni problemi di cash). Poi la tassa sui prelievi è cosa normale con questi book costaricani (e a volte la tolgono, come nel tuo caso).

Invece leggevo notizie strane e allarmanti su presunti hackers (?!) che entrerebbero negli accounts dilapidando i fondi con giocate al blackjack. Per chi aveva soldi nello sportsbook, veniva consigliato di far disattivare l'accesso al casinò. :rolleyes:

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