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La Mia Registrazione Su Supercasino.com.....


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Mi sono registrato, anzi ho provato a registrarmi su supercasino.com in seguito a una email ricevuta da loro. Alla conferma dei dati mi esce : "YOUR ACCOUNT IS FRAUDOLENT"

Ho chiesto spiegazioni in chat......

Thank you for contacting SuperCasino. Your request has been received and one of our dedicated support team will be with you soon.

Kelly T: Hi , My name is Kelly! How can I help you today?

me: Hello, why, when i join , my username is "fraudolent" huh.gif
me: i m not fraudolent

Kelly T: Can i please have your email address you used to register

me: [email protected]

Kelly T: Thank you
Kelly T: For security purposes would you please provide me with your date of birth?

me: XX august 1957 ......and if i m already registered, i m forgetful but not fraudolent

Kelly T: I do understand you
Kelly T: But you currently have no accounts with supercasino but you do have one with vernons

me: and i m fraudolent for this?

Kelly T: No i do apologise for this misunderstanding though

me: what i do? i can retry ?

Kelly T: Well if you want to log in you will have to log in to vernons

me: ok, thank'you and bye....but corrected it the words you use because you risk offending people

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