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Swiss Casino Problemi Con Neteller



Dopo aver richiesto un prelievo di 300 Euro da Swiss Casino ieri, oggi mi è arrivata la seguente email:

We are currently experiencing some unavoidable problems with NETeller and thus you may be unable to withdraw via this option.

We do apologize for any inconvenience caused to you.

In any event we kindly ask that you choose from one of the other methods listed below:

1. Wire Transfer - up to 7 business days

2. Bank Draft - up to 21 business day

3. Bank Draft Express ($35.00 fee) up to 3 business days

4. Paper check - up to 10 business days (express Paper check 2 to 5 business days)

5. Money Bookers - up to 48 hours

6. Click2Pay - up to 48 hours

We appreciate your understanding in this matter and ask for your continued patience.

Mi sa che mi conviene aprire un conto Click2Pay..

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