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Quiz Da 21,000$ Da Wild Jack

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Wild Jack Casino

ha organizzato un Quiz valido per 90 giorni

dal 1 marzo al 31 maggio

bisogna rispondere correttamente a queste 21 domande

per una possibilità di vincita, per chi vuole partecipare

sò già le risposte indi ve le indico brevemente:

1. In arithmetic, 3 times 7 equals? 21

2. Which card game is also known as "21"? Blackjack

3. Who is the performer of the song "21 Questions"? 50 Cent

4. Which of the following is a famous real estate agency? Century 21

5. Which of the following is the 111th day of the year? April 21

6. The famous "21 Club" restaurant is located in: New York

7. Who was the 21st president of the United States? Chester A. Arthur

8. Who starred in the movie titled "21 Grams"? Sean Penn

9. Who is the leading actress in the movie "21"? Kate Bosworth

10. The movie "21" is about the blackjack team from which American university? MIT

11. Which actor is not in the movie "21"? George Clooney

12. Dustin Hoffman played an autistic blackjack card-counter in? Rain Man

13. The United Nations has declared 21 September to be the? International Day of Peace

14. In the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day of the year (from sunrise to sunset) will occur on? 21 December 2008

15. The star of the TV show "21 Jump Street" was? Johnny Depp

16. The Caterham 21 is? The name of a sports car

17. In chemistry, the element with atomic number 21 is? scandium

18. Which Italian football player wore uniform number 21 on the 2006 World Cup championship team? Andrea Pirlo

19. In mathematics, the number 21 is? a Fibonacci number

20. Blackjack was derived from an old French game called? Vingt et Un

21. The movie based on the American television show "Twenty-One" was called? Quiz Show

bello quando si sanno già le risposte eh! _lol_

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