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Ieri ho ricevuto questa offerta da Harrods Casino.

Vi incollo precisamente di cosa si tratta, ma a quanto dice è un'offerta che viene data solo per email (tipo invito), ora non so se alla fine questa email la mandano a tutti...ma pare che per accettare l'offerta basti fare il reply :ok:

Ecco il quote dell'email:

Dear Player,

This Friday through Tuesday playing either blackjack or roulette at Harrods Casino can earn you a bonus of up to £100.


No matter what your hand looks like, every time the dealer has Blackjack, you will get half of your wager back. Expert players will note that this extremely favourable bonus rule in addition to the existing very favourable blackjack rules gives players a fantastic opportunity to win. This bonus applies only to Blackjack and not Single Deck Blackjack, Double Exposure or Fantastic Fun 21.


Every time lucky number 7 comes up, we will match your wager amount, up to £5.

In order to be eligible for this promotion, simply reply to this email.simply respond to this email.

Event hours are all day Friday 25th March to Tuesday 29th March - London time.

Terms and Conditions:

   1. The bonus will be credited by 6pm Wednesday 30th March - London time.

   2. This offer cannot be combined with any other promotional offer.

   3. This promotion is strictly by invitation only. You must be the recipient of the email to participate.

   4. Players from Israel, China, Denmark, Poland and Ukraine are not eligible to take part.

   5. Any abuse of the promotion will result in a forfeiture of your winnings.

   6. The maximum bonus to any player under this event is £100 per player.

   7. Any abuse of the promotion, in the sole discretion of casino management, will disqualify you from the promotion and will void your winnings and any bonuses due. No correspondence will be entered into. Promotion abuse includes, but is not limited to, the following actions:

    * Low-risk wagering. A Low-risk wager is defined as a wager that has no possibility of a winning outcome, i.e. red and black on roulette.

    * Players using multiple accounts. Only one bonus will be awarded to any player, household, computer or IP address.

Mi sapete dire in poche parole come funziona?

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Per qualificarti devi rispondere alla mail.

In pratica mentre giochi al bj da oggi fino a martedi ogni volta che il banco fa bj ti viene ridata la metà della puntata (non subito) oppure se giochi alla roulette ogni volta che esce il 7 (anche se non ci hai puntato sopra) ti vengono dati fino a 5 sterline/euro ecc (ma sempre non subito)

Tutto questo bonus accumualto ti sarà accreditato mercoledi.

Poco utile a meno che non hai dei soldi li, che non siano di un bonus ma proprio tuoi e ci volevi normalmente giocare.

Noi non siamo di questa razza, noi sfruttiamo i bonus. :ok:

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