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Thelotter 2009

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Dear Marco,

Thank you for using our services at theLotter.com - the Global Lottery Service.

Your inquiry is currently being investigated by the head of the free contest and our anti-fraud team.

You will receive further notification regarding the situation shortly.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation,

Customer Service Team


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Buongiorno a tutti :ciao:

E' inutile che copi anche le mie risposte, a me han risposto due volte e tutte e due le volte con la stessa mail. Bastar.. :inkaz:

Per quanto riguarda la giocata, io ormai ho giocato per Pippi ieri. La prossima la faccio quindi in Ari-daje. Ma arrivati a questo punto, devo dar ragione a Juin, non c'è più nulla da fare e quello che faremo, mi sa che servirà a ben poco! <_<


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Dear Carla,

Thank you for using our services at theLotter.com - the Global Lottery Service.

Your inquiry is currently being investigated by the head of the free contest and our anti-fraud team.

You will receive further notification regarding the situation shortly.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation,

Customer Service Team



Mai dire mai....

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risposta chiara ora vedete un po' che fare

Dear Carla,

Thank you for using our services at theLotter.com - the Global Lottery Service.

It has come to our attention that the usage patterns of your theFree group members indicate fraud.

In addition to the fact that the certain segments of the your group’s registration occurred one after another and some usernames and details are similar and occasionally identical, after a partial check of your group’s IP address, the following users were found to be participating from the same IP address:






For this reason, we have disqualified your group from further participation in theFree 2010.

We thank you for your understanding in this matter and wish you the best of luck,

Customer Service Team




1) penso che qualcuno potrebbe chiedere di togliere il punteggio e basta

2) che i multi e questi si astengano

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details are similar and occasionally identical

...possibile che sia legato al fatto che è registrato lo stesso indirizzo di casa, essendo marito e moglie???

Gli altri tre account segnalati sono collegati?

Comunque a scanso d'equivoci sono rimasto nel gruppo "pippicalzelunghe".

The Guru

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